Delivering treatment to morally injured UK military personnel and Veterans: The clinician experience

Victoria Williamson, Dominic Murphy, Sharon Stevelink, Shannon Allen, Hilary Edgar Jones, Neil Greenberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (SciVal)


This study explored the experiences of clinicians in providing treatment in cases of military-related moral injury (MI). Qualitative interviews were carried out with 15 clinicians. Clinicians found patients experienced particular maladaptive appraisals following MI, which were considered different from the responses experienced after threat-based trauma. To address MI-related distress, clinicians utilized a range of treatment approaches. Several difficulties in providing care to patients following MI were described, including the impact of providing treatment on the clinicians own mental health. This study provides detailed insight into the approaches currently used to identify and treat UK Veterans with MI-related psychological problems. These findings highlight the need to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments currently provided for MI-related psychological problems and suggest developing best practice guidance may improve clinician confidence in delivering care to those adversely impacted by MI.

Original languageEnglish
JournalMilitary Psychology
Early online date29 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2021


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