Data for spatio-temporal modelling and optimisation of multi-product rice value chains

Stephen Doliente, Sheila Samsatli

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A current and fully-referenced dataset of resources and technologies for rice provision system is presented in this paper. These data served as model input data for the first multi-objective spatio-temporal optimisation of Philippine rice value chains. Data on available farmland area and their characteristics, such as paddy rice yield, rice farming costs and GHG emissions, are reported. As scenarios were developed for optimal rice value chains of integrated food and non-food production, estimates on the spatio-temporal demands on food, energy, fuels and chemical are presented. Data on sale prices and GHG factors of the raw materials and products are also compiled. Processing and transporting technologies involved in the modelling have their economic and operating parameters presented in this paper. This dataset has been collated through academic journals, technical papers and government agencies; all of which have been properly referenced. These data are valuable to various stakeholders of the rice industry across the globe aiming to understand rice value chains optimisation studies and to conduct further scenario development under different conditions and assumptions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106694
JournalData in Brief
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2021


The authors would like to acknowledge the CHED-Newton Agham PhD Scholarship grant by the British Council Philippines through the Newton Fund Project (Application ID: 333426643 ) and the Commission of Higher Education under the Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines through the CHED K-12 Transition Programme (Scholar No.: BC-17-009 ). Mr. Doliente would also like to acknowledge the University of the Philippines Los Baños for the study leave granted to pursue his PhD studies at University of Bath , UK. The authors would like to thank the EPSRC for the partial funding of this research through the Biomass and the Environment-Food-Energy-Water Nexus (BEFEW) project (Grant No. EP/P018165/1 ). The authors would like to acknowledge the CHED-Newton Agham PhD Scholarship grant by the British Council Philippines through the Newton Fund Project (Application ID: 333426643) and the Commission of Higher Education under the Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines through the CHED K-12 Transition Programme (Scholar No.: BC-17-009). Mr. Doliente would also like to acknowledge the University of the Philippines Los Ba?os for the study leave granted to pursue his PhD studies at University of Bath, UK. The authors would like to thank the EPSRC for the partial funding of this research through the Biomass and the Environment-Food-Energy-Water Nexus (BEFEW) project (Grant No. EP/P018165/1).


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