Critical Perspectives on Language in International Education

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This chapter draws on recent literature from applied linguistics to inform our understanding of the role of language in international education. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of English as an International Language. The writer examines definitions of the terms ‘critical’ and ‘discourse’ as they are currently being applied within the social sciences. He goes on to consider issues that have been the focus of recent debate, including linguistic imperialism and native-speakerism, before going on to identify certain patterns of linguistic and professional practice that may be termed ‘the dominant discourse of language in international education’. He proposes that international educators should critically interrogate this discourse, thereby playing a transformative role in the development of their discipline.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education
EditorsHayden Mary, Levy Jack, Thompson Jeff
PublisherSage Publications
ISBN (Print)978-1446298442
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • International language education


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