Creep behavior of epoxy-based adhesive reinforced with nanoparticles for bonded-in timber connection

Zakiah Ahmad, Martin P Ansell, Dave Smedley, Paridah Md Tahir

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10 Citations (SciVal)


The mechanical properties of adhesive materials change over time, especially when they are subjected to long-term loadings. The significance of this is often overlooked at the design stage. When adhesives are subjected to a constant load, they may deform continuously, depending on temperature, humidity, and cross-link density. This progressive deformation is called creep. It is imperative that reliable accelerated tests be developed to determine the long-term time-dependent performance of adhesives under different environmental conditions. The long-term creep behavior of thixotropic and room temperature cure epoxy-based adhesives reinforced with nano particles were investigated. The adhesives in this investigation are formulated with the target of application for in situ bonding of pultruded rod into timber for the repair and strengthening of timber structures. In this study, two epoxy-based adhesives with added nano particles (silica fume and rubber) were subjected to bending creep tests in accelerated environments. Experimental data showed that the adhesives reinforced with nano rubber particles exhibited less creep deformation than the unreinforced ones.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)825-831
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Issue number7
Early online date14 Jun 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2012


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