Creativity is a skill that everyone has’: Analysing creative workers’ self-presentations

Doris R. Eikhof, Katharina Chudzikowski

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This paper discusses the research use of creative workers’ publicly available self-presentations such as documentaries or social media posts. In so doing it contributes to our understanding of how creative workers might fruitfully be researched. The paper, firstly, argues that self-presentations can provide valuable and rich insights into creative workers’ self-understanding, and thus can be of interest to creative industries researchers. Secondly, using the example of a film produced by Austrian product designers, the paper then demonstrates why researchers need to consider the processes through, and contexts in, which self-presentations are generated. The paper explains why self-presentations may not be treated in the same way as the first person accounts traditionally generated for social science research, and presents recommendations for how self-presentations might form parts of rigorous research designs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)34-47
Number of pages14
JournalCreative Industries Journal
Issue number1
Early online date22 Nov 2018
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2019


  • creative workers
  • creative work
  • creative industries
  • product design
  • self-presentation


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