Corrigendum to “How do biases in sex ratio and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections?” [J. Theor. Biol. 527 (2021) 110832]

Naerhulan Halimubieke, Alistair Pirrie, Tamás Székely, Ben Ashby

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The authors regret that there were errors in equations (12)–(15) on page 3 for the endemic equilibrium. Equations (12)–(15) should be replaced by [Formula presented] [Formula presented] [Formula presented] [Formula presented]where [Formula presented] The results shown in the paper were calculated with the correct equations above. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111545
JournalJournal of Theoretical Biology
Publication statusPublished - 21 Aug 2023

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Statistics and Probability
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • General Immunology and Microbiology
  • General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
  • Applied Mathematics


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