Compressive properties of thin tow-based discontinuous composites

Ioannis Katsivalis, Aree Tongloet, Xun Wu, Monica Norrby, Florence Moreau, Soraia Pimenta, Michael R. Wisnom, Dan Zenkert, Leif E. Asp

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Ultra-thin tow-based discontinuous composites are an emerging class of composite materials which can be used for high performance applications in a wide range of industries. They offer significant advantages compared to continuous composites, such as reduced waste material, enhanced formability and even increased mechanical properties. However, the properties of composite materials under compression are often a limiting factor in structural design. Measuring the compressive properties of composites is also non-trivial, as premature failures are occurring often with the existing testing standards. Finally, the compressive response of discontinuous composites is currently unclear as the existing studies are limited. This work presents a full experimental campaign on the characterization of the compressive response of ultra-thin tow-based discontinuous composites. A uniaxial test is initially employed which reveals instabilities, premature failures and large experimental scatter. Afterwards, a sandwich beam bending test is employed which allows to measure the compressive properties accurately with low variability. The compressive strains measured exceed 1 %, which is also the tensile limit for this material. The agreement between the tensile and compressive strength was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy which revealed that the damage was controlled by matrix deformation in the tow interfaces.
Original languageEnglish
Article number112085
Number of pages112085
JournalComposites Part B - Engineering
Early online date17 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Dec 2024

Data Availability Statement

Data will be made available on request.


The authors would like to acknowledge funding from VINNOVA (The Swedish Innovation Agency) for the Fatresfeet project (dnr. 2021\u201304048) and the Swedish Energy Agency via its Competence Centre Technologies and innovations for a future sustainable hydrogen economy (TechForH2, dnr. 2021\u2013036176). The Competence Centre TechForH2 is hosted by Chalmers University of Technology and is financially supported by the Swedish Energy agency (P2021 - 90268) and the member companies Volvo, Scania, Siemens Energy, GKN Aerospace, PowerCell, Oxeon, RISE, Stena Rederier AB, Johnson Matthey and Insplorion. The authors would also like to acknowledge the strategic innovation program LIGHTer (funding provided by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas). The authors would like to acknowledge funding from VINNOVA (The Swedish Innovation Agency) for the Fatresfeet project (dnr. 2021-04048) and the Swedish Energy Agency via its Competence Centre Technologies and innovations for a future sustainable hydrogen economy (TechForH2, dnr. 2021-036176). The Competence Centre TechForH2 is hosted by Chalmers University of Technology and is financially supported by the Swedish Energy agency (P2021 - 90268) and the member companies Volvo, Scania, Siemens Energy, GKN Aerospace, PowerCell, Oxeon, RISE, Stena Rederier AB, Johnson Matthey and Insplorion. The authors would also like to acknowledge the strategic innovation program LIGHTer (funding provided by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas).

FundersFunder number
Swedish Energy Agency and Formas
Swedish Innovation Agency2021–04048
Competence Centre Technologies and innovations2021–036176
EnergimyndighetenP2021 - 90268


    • Compressive testing
    • Damage characterisation
    • Fractography
    • Sandwich beam bending
    • Tow-based discontinuous composites

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Ceramics and Composites
    • Mechanics of Materials
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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