Compression of boundary element matrix in micromagnetic simulations

A Knittel, M Franchin, G Bordignon, T Fischbacher, Simon Bending, H Fangohr

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14 Citations (SciVal)


A hybrid finite element method/boundary element method (FEM/BEM) is a standard approach for calculating the magnetostatic potential within micromagnetics [D. Fredkin and T. Koehler, IEEE Trans. Magn.26, 415 (1990)]. This involves dealing with a dense N×N matrix Bij, with N being the number of mesh surface nodes. In order to apply the method to ferromagnetic structures with a large surface, one needs to apply matrix compression techniques on Bij. An efficient approach is to approximate Bij by hierarchical matrices (or H matrices). We have used HLIB [], a library containing implementations of the hierarchical matrix methodology, together with the micromagnetic finite element solver NMAG in order to optimize the hybrid FEM/BEM. In this article we present a study of the efficiency of algorithms implemented in HLIB concerning the storage requirements and the matrix assembly time in micromagnetic simulations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number07D542
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2009
Event53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Austin, TX
Duration: 1 Apr 2009 → …


  • Magnetic recording
  • Magnetic logic devices


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