Comparison of porous carbons developed via templating approaches

P M Barata-Rodrigues, T J Mays, N A Seaton, G D Moggridge

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (SciVal)


Porous carbons synthesized from templates were characterized and compared. The synthesis consists of the impregnation of a C precursor within the voids of an inorg. template, followed by low temp. carbonisation and demineralization of the mineral-C composite. The templating systems studied were Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (Clay Templated C Route - CTC), zeolites (Zeolite Templated C Route - ZTC) and mesoporous mol. sieves (Mesoporous Mol. Sieve Templated C Route - MTC). The C materials were characterized and compared using scanning and TEM, elemental anal. and powder x-ray diffraction. N adsorption at 77 K was used to find the templated carbons' pore structure, using classical methods as well as the more recent D. Functional Theory approach for quantification of adsorption properties and a systematic detn. of pore size distributions. Results showed different micro/mesoporosities and high adsorption capacities for the carbons, showing potential for applications in gas and liq.-phase adsorptive applications. [on SciFinder (R)]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-146
Number of pages8
JournalStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Issue numberCharacterization of Porous Solids VI
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • Pore size
  • USES (Uses) (NX2
  • Pore size distribution
  • unclassified)
  • Zeolites Role
  • Vapor deposition process (chem.
  • Clays
  • USES (Uses) (pore structure and adsorption of templated porous carbons)
  • Molecular sieves
  • pore structure adsorption templated carbon
  • pore structure and adsorption of templated porous carbons)
  • Adsorption
  • Surface area (pore structure and adsorption of templated porous carbons)
  • NUU (Other use
  • Pore structure


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