Cold Hands .. Warm Gloves

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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Raynaud’s Phenomenon (RP) is a painful long-term condition with no effective treatments available.

RP reduces blood-flow to the fingers and toes, causing numbness, pain and disability in affected areas. We do not understand this condition well, however we do know it has a significant impact on people’s lives.

Self-management (keep warm, reduce stress), is essential to prevent RP episodes, however people find it difficult to change behaviour alone. Our aim is to develop an evidence-based approach to promote improved self-management and avoid serious life-changing RP consequences such as ulcers, gangrene and amputation.

This photograph illustrates the role of helping hands; the holding support of a new behaviour-change intervention to promote wellbeing in RP. The RP affected hands are offered for recognition of the impact of the condition, with the red gloved hands symbolising therapeutic aid to ‘reperfuse’ (regain blood back into the hands). ​
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018
EventScleroderma and Raynaud's UK - Windsor, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 13 Oct 201813 Oct 2018


ConferenceScleroderma and Raynaud's UK
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom
Internet address


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