Characterisation of Unistrut connection method with pultruded fiber reinforced polymer channels

Mark Evernden, J Mottram

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4 Citations (SciVal)


This paper presents work to characterize the Unistrut steel connection method for M10 blind fixings using pultruded fiber- reinforced polymer (PFRP) profiles of channel section. Both the standard nut and a smooth nut (standard without the serrations), have been used in the series of tests to determine the degree of shear connection via load-slip behavior, under various applied bolt torques, and pure shear loading. It is shown that the standard nut provides adequate connection shear strength and stiffness, but with severe PFRP material damage that might be detrimental to the connection's structural performance over 30 years or more. The smooth connection is shown to significantly reduce PFRP damage. However, this advantage is linked to a 35% reduction in the connection's shear resistance, making it less suitable for the development of an economic connection. Preliminary hot/wet aging and creep tests are used to estimate the reduction in strength and stiffness with time. The test results are used to establish four Unistrut connection design parameters that are required for the development of lightweight modular systems of PFRP.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)700-709
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

Special Issue: Innovative materials and technologies for construction and restoration


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