Characterisation and functionality of inhalation anhydrous lactose

Chonladda Pitchayajittipong, Robert Price, Jagdeep Shur, J S Kaerger, S Edge

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Citations (SciVal)


The relationships between the physicochemical properties and functionality in dry powder inhaler (DPI) performance was investigated for inhalation grade anhydrous lactose and compared to monohydrate grades. The excipients were characterised using a range of techniques including particle size analysis, moisture sorption and powder rheometry. The inhalation anhydrous lactose grades were readily characterisable. The aerosolisation performance of capsule based DPI formulations containing budesonide (200 mu g) and different grades of lactose evaluated using inertial impaction measurements produced fine particle doses of budesonide ranging from 24 to 49 mu g. There were no apparent relationships between aerosolisation performance and excipient characteristics, such as particle size and powder density. However, formulations containing lactose grades which exhibit higher powder fluidisation energy values resulted in higher fine particle doses of budesonide.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)134-141
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2010


  • powder fluidisation
  • anhydrous lactose
  • dry powder inhaler


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