Changing climate shifts timing of European floods

Gunter Bloschl, Julia Hall, Juray Parajka, Rui A. P. Perdigao, Bruno Merz, Berit Arheimer, Thomas Kjeldsen

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A warming climate is expected to have an impact on the magnitude and timing of river floods; however, no consistent large-scale climate change signal in observed flood magnitudes has been identified so far. We analyzed the timing of river floods in Europe over the past five decades, using a pan-European database from 4262 observational hydrometric stations, and found clear patterns of change in flood timing. Warmer temperatures have led to earlier spring snowmelt floods throughout northeastern Europe; delayed winter storms associated with polar warming have led to later winter floods around the North Sea and some sectors of the Mediterranean coast; and earlier soil moisture maxima have led to earlier winter floods in western Europe. Our results highlight the existence of a clear climate signal in flood observations at the continental scale.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)588-590
Number of pages3
Issue number6351
Early online date11 Aug 2017
Publication statusPublished - 11 Aug 2017

Bibliographical note

Attached manuscript is the accepted version.

04 September 2017: The attached version was the last submitted and the version they accepted. So it is all good I think.


  • Flooding
  • Hydrology


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