Changes in the management of systemic sclerosis-related digital ulcer disease between 2015-2017 across devolved nations of the United Kingdom: a multi-centre service evaluation project across South West England and Wales

Elizabeth Reilly, Randa Alshakh, Celia Beynon, Matthew Cates, Dhivya Das, Shuja Majeed, Ahsan Memon, Patrick O’Beirn, James Ritchie, John D Pauling

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstractpeer-review


Background: The devolved nations have differing commissioning arrangements surrounding high-cost drugs. The 2015 NHS England Clinical Commissioning Policy on the use of sildenafil and bosentan for the management of systemic sclerosis-related digital ulcers (SSc-DU) in England aligns with guidelines by the UK Scleroderma Study Group and BSR. We undertook a multicentre service evaluation project across the South West (SW) UK and Wales to review real world management of SSc-DU, before and following the 2015 guidance.Methods: The project was conducted by rheumatology trainees within the South West Audit Network (SWAN). Anonymised data on DU burden and management before and after 2015 was collected retrospectively from case notes of SSc patients (pre-dating 2015), between September and December 2017. Patients treated with vasodilators for pulmonary arterial hypertension were excluded.
Original languageEnglish
Article number003
Number of pages1
Issue numberSupplement_3
Early online date12 Apr 2018
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2018


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