Challenges and issues relating to the use of representation information for the digital curation of crystallography and engineering data

Manjula Patel, Alexander Ball

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    The OAIS concept of Representation Information (RI) is a potential strategy for the curation and preservation of all types of information. We share insights gained from our exploration of issues concerned with the capture of crystallography and engineering RI as well as its structuring, collection and curation. In addition, we discuss the supporting technical, IPR and globally collaborative infrastructures required to make such a strategy successful.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    Event3rd International Digital Curation Conference - Washington DC
    Duration: 11 Dec 200713 Dec 2007


    Conference3rd International Digital Curation Conference
    CityWashington DC


    • crystallography data
    • engineering data
    • Digital Curation
    • Representation Information
    • Research Data Management


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