Centrifugal partition chromatography in a biorefinery context: Optimisation and scale-up of monosaccharide fractionation from hydrolysed sugar beet pulp

David P Ward, Peter Hewitson, Max Cárdenas-Fernández, Charlotte Hamley-Bennett, Alba Díaz-Rodríguez, Nathalie Douillet, Joseph P Adams, David J Leak, Svetlana Ignatova, Gary J Lye

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The isolation of component sugars from biomass represents an important step in the bioprocessing of sustainable feedstocks such as sugar beet pulp. Centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) is used here, as an alternative to multiple resin chromatography steps, to fractionate component monosaccharides from crude hydrolysed sugar beet pulp pectin. CPC separation of samples, prepared in the stationary phase, was carried out using an ethanol: ammonium sulphate (300gL(-1)) phase system (0.8:1.8v:v) in ascending mode. This enabled removal of crude feedstream impurities and separation of monosaccharides into three fractions (l-rhamnose, l-arabinose and d-galactose, and d-galacturonic acid) in a single step. Throughput was improved three-fold by increasing sample injection volume, from 4 to 16% of column volume, with similar separation performance maintained in all cases. Extrusion of the final galacturonic acid fraction increased the eluted solute concentration, reduced the total separation time by 24% and removed the need for further column regeneration. Reproducibility of the separation after extrusion was validated by using multiple stacked injections. Scale-up was performed linearly from a semi-preparative 250mL column to a preparative 950mL column with a scale-up ratio of 3.8 applied to mobile phase flow rate and sample injection volume. Throughputs of 9.4gL(-1)h(-1) of total dissolved solids were achieved at the preparative scale with a throughput of 1.9gL(-1)h(-1) of component monosaccharides. These results demonstrate the potential of CPC for both impurity removal and target fractionation within biorefinery separations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)56-63
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Chromatography A
Early online date6 Mar 2017
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2017


  • Journal Article


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