Center manifolds without a phase space for quasilinear problems in elasticity, biology, and hydrodynamics

Robin Ming Chen, Samuel Walsh, Miles H. Wheeler

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In this paper, we present a novel center manifold reduction theorem for quasilinear elliptic equations posed on infinite cylinders. This is done without a phase space in the sense that we avoid explicitly reformulating the PDE as an evolution problem. Under suitable hypotheses, the resulting center manifold is finite dimensional and captures all sufficiently small bounded solutions. Compared with classical methods, the reduced ODE on the manifold is more directly related to the original physical problem and also easier to compute. The analysis is conducted directly in H\"older spaces, which is often desirable for elliptic equations. We then use this machinery to construct small bounded solutions to a variety of systems. These include heteroclinic and homoclinic solutions of the anti-plane shear problem from nonlinear elasticity; exact slow moving invasion fronts in a two-dimensional Fisher--KPP equation; and hydrodynamic bores with vorticity in a channel. The last example is particularly interesting in that we find solutions with critical layers and distinctive "half cat's eye" streamline patterns.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1927
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2022


The research of RMC is supported in part by the NSF through DMS-1613375 and DMS-1907584. The research of SW is supported in part by the National Science Foundation through DMS-1812436. The authors also wish to thank the hospitality of the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics, University of Vienna. A portion of this work was completed during a Research-in-Teams Program generously supported by the ESI. The authors are grateful to Carmen Chicone and Bente Bakker for helpful suggestions during the writing of this paper, as well as the anonymous referees for their extensive comments that greatly improved the manuscript.


  • math.AP


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