CEDARS: Digital Preservation and Metadata

Michael Day

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

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    CEDARS (CURL Exemplars in Digital ARchiveS) is a UK digital preservation project funded by JISC through eLib. Lead sites in the project are the Universities of Cambridge, Leeds and Oxford. The project aims to promote awareness of the importance of digital preservation, to produce strategic frameworks for digital collection management policies and to promote methods appropriate for long-term preservation. An important strand of CEDARS will concern metadata. Metadata could be used as a means of recording migration and emulation strategies, ensuring the authenticity of digital objects, noting rights management and collection management issues and will also be used for resource description and discovery.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 1998
    Event6th DELOS Workshop: Preservation of Digital Information - Tomar, Portugal
    Duration: 17 Jun 199819 Jun 1998


    Conference6th DELOS Workshop: Preservation of Digital Information


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