Categorification and mirror symmetry for Grassmannians

Bernt Tore Jensen, Alastair King, Xiuping Su

Research output: Working paper / PreprintPreprint


The homogeneous coordinate ring C[Gr(k,n)] of the Grassmannian is a cluster algebra, with an additive categorification CMC. Thus every M∈CMC has a cluster character ΨM∈C[Gr(k,n)].
The aim is to use the categorification to enrich Rietsch-Williams' mirror symmetry result that the Newton-Okounkov (NO) body/cone, made from leading exponents of functions in C[Gr(k,n)] in an X-cluster chart, can also be described by tropicalisation of the Marsh-Reitsch superpotential~W.
For any cluster tilting object T, with endomorphism algebra A, we define two new cluster characters, a generalised partition function PTM∈C[K(CMA)] and a generalised flow polynomial FTM∈C[K(fdA)], related by a `dehomogenising' map wt:K(CMA)→K(fdA).
In the X-cluster chart corresponding to T, the function ΨM becomes FTM and thus its leading exponent is κ(T,M), an invariant introduced in earlier paper (and the image of the g-vector of M under wt). When T mutates, FTM undergoes X-mutation and κ(T,M) undergoes tropical A-mutation.
We then show that the monoid of g-vectors is saturated, and that this cone can be identified with the NO-cone, so the NO-body of Rietsch--Williams can be described in terms of κ(T,M). Furthermore, we adapt Rietsch-Williams' mirror symmetry strategy to find module-theoretic inequalities that determine the cone of g-vectors.
Some of the machinery we develop works in a greater generality, which is relevant to the positroid subvarieties of Gr(k,n).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages78
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2024


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