Capacity building in practice: how can grants contribute to the development of early career researchers?

James Fletcher, Giulia Cavaliere, Gunters Ermansons, Sebastian Fonseca, Caroline Green, Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean, Emma Wynne-Bannister, Anthea Tinker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Capacity building is a key objective of the UK Research Councils. Although poorly defined, capacity building is typically presented as enabling junior researchers to develop skills to facilitate future careers in research. Research Council documentation commonly discusses capacity building in principle, but it is often unclear how this is to be realised in practice. In this research note, junior researchers suggest several ways in which being associated with grant applications and awards can aid capacity building. They describe how the inclusion of junior researchers at all stages of the grant process can provide opportunities for gaining experience and learning through practice. While suggesting means of capacity building, challenging employment prospects in research should not be ignored, as is too often the case in Research Council
literature. This note, therefore, concludes by asking how job creation relates to ideals of capacity building.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-59
JournalSocial Research Practice
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2020


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