Biodynamic modelling of seated human subjects exposed to uncouples vertical and fore-and-aft whole-body vibration

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In this article, the biodynamic responses of seated human subjects (SHS) exposed to whole-body vibration (WBV) in both vertical and fore-and-aft directions are modelled. The mathematical model can be used to obtain a better insight into the mechanisms and biodynamic behaviour of the SHS system. The main limitation of some previous SHS models is that they were derived to satisfy a single biodynamic response function. Such an approach may provide a reasonable fit with the function data being considered but uncertain matches with the others. The model presented in this study is based on all three types of biodynamic response functions: seat-to-head transmissibility (STHT), driving-point mechanical impedance (DPMI) and apparent mass (APM). The objective of this work is to match all three functions and to represent the biodynamic behaviour of SHS in a more comprehensive way. Three sets of synthesized experimental data from published literature are selected as the target values for each of the three transfer functions. A curve fitting method is used in the parameter identification process which involves the solution of a multivariable optimization function comprising the root mean square errors between the computed values using the model and those target values measured experimentally. Finally, a numerical simulation of the frequency response of the model in terms of all three biodynamic functions has been carried out. The results show that an improved fit is achieved comparing with the existing models.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)301-314
JournalJournal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 9 Sept 201313 Sept 2013


  • Biodynamics, Seated human subjects, Whole-body vibration, Lumped-parameter models.


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