Bed-level Change Over Individual Swash Cycles On Sand and Gravel Beaches

Gerd Masselink, I.L. Turner, P.E. Russell, C Blenkinsopp

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

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This paper describes two large field campaigns designed to obtain the most
comprehensive dataset to date of morphodynamic change in the swash zone and the
associated hydrodynamic processes. Experiments were undertaken at a sand and gravel
beach to provide complimentary data from contrasting beach types. An initial analysis of
the data revealed that relatively large bed-level changes (1 – 2 cm) were observed to occur
in response to individual swash events. Indeed, itwas found that the net morphological
changes over a 2-hour section of data were not caused by the gradual accumulation of
small bed-level changes, but in fact the morphological response was dominated by a small
number of large events which had the same order of magnitude as the overall bed-level
change during the entire time-series
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 31st International Conference
EditorsJ McKee Smith
PublisherWorld Scientific
Number of pages12
Volume31 (2008)
ISBN (Electronic)9789814467568
ISBN (Print)9789814277365
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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