Becoming In/disciplined

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding

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‘Disciplines cut and chunk human, more-than-human and other-than-human experiences into separate and hierarchized knowledge fields’ (Hughes, 2020), producing a façade that knowledge is coherent, organized and manageable. This micro-moment is an invitation to think/do/make knowledge beyond, outside or otherwise than in disciplines and to find ways to refuse the disciplining of bodiesmindshearts that disciplines so often require. The paper focuses on a speculative intra-action with the questions: How can we work/move together to co-create a more capacious way of knowledge-ing? and how can we enact posthumanist feminist materialism to become in/disciplined? This paper is based on a research-creation event that was part of the Dream Team entitled (Un)teachable micro-moments in post-qualitative research, which focused on how micromoments in the context of post-qualitative research offer exciting possibilities to move beyond boundaries, educational spaces, strict disciplinary discourses, and traditional instructional practices. The micromoment explored in this paper concerns in/discipline through movement. It’s focus on objects-bodies-spaces invites learning through relations and relationality.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Qualitative Inquiry in the Anthropocene
Subtitle of host publicationAffirmative and Generative Possibilities for (Post)Anthropocentric Futures Congress Proceedings Book 2023
EditorsNikki Fairchild
Place of PublicationPortsmouth
PublisherUniversity of Portsmouth
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9781861376770
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2023
Event6th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry - University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK United Kingdom
Duration: 11 Jan 202313 Jan 2023


Conference6th European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Country/TerritoryUK United Kingdom
Internet address


  • Movement methodologies, objects-bodies-spaces, discipline, becoming in/disciplined, micro-moment


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