Barriers to medical help-seeking among older men with prostate cancer

Laura Medina Perucha, Omar Yousaf, Myra S Hunter, E.A. Grunfeld

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Objective. Men’s disinclination to seek medical help has been linked to higher rates of morbidity and mortality compared to women. However, previous studies were conducted predominantly with healthy, young, and middle-aged men. We explored the perceived medical barriers to help-seeking in older men with prostate cancer. Method. Twenty men with prostate cancer took part in semi-structured interviews, which were analysed using thematic analysis. Results. Three themes were identified related to negative attitudes towards help-seeking: male gender role; fear of the health condition, medical and treatment procedures; and embarrassment as a consequence of medical examinations, communication with health (and non-health) professionals, and the disclosure of sexual-related symptoms. Conclusion. The barriers identified in our study strengthen the evidence for the impact of the traditional masculine on help-seeking in men.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Psychosocial Oncology
Early online date3 Apr 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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