Autonomic symptoms are common and are associated with overall symptom burden and disease activity in primary Sjögren's syndrome

J.L. Newton, J. Frith, D. Powell, K. Hackett, K. Wilton, S. Bowman, E. Price, C. Pease, J. Andrews, P. Emery, J. Hunter, M. Gupta, S. Vadivelu, I. Giles, D. Isenberg, P. Lanyon, A. Jones, M. Regan, A. Cooper, R. MootsN. Sutcliffe, M. Bombardieri, C. Pitzalis, J. McLaren, S. Young-Min, B. Dasgupta, B. Griffiths, D. Lendrem, S. Mitchell, W.-F. Ng, E.C. Bacabac, R. Moots, K. Chadravarty, S. Lamabadusuriya, M. Bombardieri, C. Pitzalis, N. Sutcliffe, N. Gendi, R. Adeniba, J. Hamburger, A. Richards, S. Rauz, S. Brailsford, J. Logan, D. Mulherin, J. Andrews, P. Emery, A. McManus, C. Pease, A. Booth, M. Regan, T. Dimitroulas, L. Kadiki, D. Kaur, G. Kitas, M. Lloyd, L. Moore, E. Gordon, C. Lawson, M. Gupta, J. Hunter, L. Stirton, G. Ortiz, E. Price, G. Clunie, G. Rose, S. Cuckow, S. Knight, D. Symmons, B. Jones, A. Carr, S. Edgar, M. Carrozzo, F. Figuereido, H. Foggo, C. Gillespie, D. Lendrem, I. Macleod, S. Mitchell, J. Tarn, A. Jones, P. Lanyon, A. Muir, P. White, S. Young-Min, S. Pugmire, S. Vadivelu, A. Cooper, M. Watkins, A. Field, S. Kaye, D. Mewar, P. Medcalf, P. Tomlinson, D. Whiteside, N. McHugh, J. Pauling, J. James, N. Olaitan, M. Akil, J. McDermott, O. Godia, D. Coady, E. Kidd, L. Palmer, B. Dasgupta, V. Katsande, P. Long, U. Chandra, K. MacKay, S. Fedele, A. Ferenkeh-Koroma, D. Isenberg, H. Marconnell, S. Porter, P. Allcoat, J. McLaren

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Objectives: To determine the prevalence of autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia) among patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (PSS) and the relationships between dysautonomia and other clinical features of PSS. Methods: Multicentre, prospective, cross-sectional study of a UK cohort of 317 patients with clinically well-characterised PSS. Symptoms of autonomic dysfunction were assessed using a validated instrument, the Composite Autonomic Symptom Scale (COMPASS). The data were compared with an age- and sex-matched cohort of 317 community controls. The relationships between symptoms of dysautonomia and various clinical features of PSS were analysed using regression analysis. Results: COMPASS scores were significantly higher in patients with PSS than in age- and sex-matched community controls (median (IQR) 35.5 (20.9-46.0) vs 14.8 (4.4-30.2), p32.5, a cut-off value indicative of autonomic dysfunction. Furthermore, the COMPASS total score correlated independently with EULAR Sjögren's Syndrome Patient Reported Index (a composite measure of the overall burden of symptoms experienced by patients with PSS) (β=0.38, p
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1973-1979
JournalAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Issue number12
Early online date5 May 2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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