Austerity and the lives of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD): a thematic synthesis of current literature

Melina Malli, Rachel Forrester-Jones, Lara Sams, Glynis Murphy, Melanie Henwood

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 resulted in many western economies adopting severe public expenditure reduction policies, including cuts in health and social care funding. Our aim was to provide a holistic picture of the impact of austerity policy on the lives of people with IDD, and the collateral effects on the people who support them (particularly family carers).

Method: A systematic review of international papers resulted in 11 articles which met the inclusion criteria. These were thematically analysed.

Results: Available funding to support people with IDD is poorly aligned to their care needs. Cuts in disability services have adversely affected the well‐being both of people with IDD and their informal carers. People with IDD have lost social support and opportunities for community participation, and in consequence are experiencing social isolation. The retrenchment of statutory services has led to increased demands on family carers’ time and commitment, which negatively influences their wider roles including parental responsibilities, and labour market participation.

Conclusions: Our review highlights the emerging issues and provides the foundations for further discourse and underlines the need for further research on the effects of austerity on people with ID and their family carers
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2018
EventInternational Association for the Scientific Investigation of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) European Congress, Diversity and Belonging: Celebrating Difference - Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece
Duration: 18 Jul 201820 Jul 2018
Conference number: 5


ConferenceInternational Association for the Scientific Investigation of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSID) European Congress, Diversity and Belonging: Celebrating Difference
Internet address


  • Austerity
  • systematic review
  • Intellectual disabilities


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