Assessment of the supercharging boosting component for heavily downsized gasoline engines

Colin Copeland, Alessandro Romagnoli, Wan Bin Wan-Salim, Bala Gurunathan, Ricardo Martinez-Botas, James Turner, Nick Luard, R Jackson, L Matteucci, Chris Brace, Sam Akehurst, Andrew Lewis

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


Current trend on engine downsizing forces engine manufacturers to contemplate powertrains with more than one boosting device. The presence of these devices leads to complex 1-D engine models which rely on performance maps provided by turbo/supercharger manufacturers. So far, no detailed analysis has been carried out to understand how these maps affect engine performance simulation. As part of the UltraBoost project (65% gasoline engine downsizing), Imperial College tested the boosting components of a turbo-super configuration. The acquired data were used to assess the effectiveness of 1-D engine performance prediction and to contemplate the opportunity to exploit the boosting system and use it as engine charge air cooler in the form of an expander.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIMECHE Turbocharger and Turbocharging Proceedings, 2014
PublisherIMechE Conference Transactions
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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