Anticlockwise or clockwise? a dynamic perception-action-laterality model for directionality bias in visuospatial functioning

A K M Rezaul Karim, Michael J Proulx, Lora T Likova

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Reviewing the relevant literature in visual psychophysics and visual neuroscience we propose a three-stage model of directionality bias in visuospatial functioning. We call this model the 'Perception-Action-Laterality' (PAL) hypothesis. We analyzed the research findings for a wide range of visuospatial tasks, showing that there are two major directionality trends: clockwise versus anticlockwise. It appears these preferences are combinatorial, such that a majority of people fall in the first category demonstrating a preference for stimuli/objects arranged from left-to-right rather than from right-to-left, while people in the second category show an opposite trend. These perceptual biases can guide sensorimotor integration and action, creating two corresponding turner groups in the population. In support of PAL, we propose another model explaining the origins of the biases- how the neurogenetic factors and the cultural factors interact in a biased competition framework to determine the direction and extent of biases. This dynamic model can explain not only the two major categories of biases, but also the unbiased, unreliably biased or mildly biased cases in visuosptial functioning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)669-693
Number of pages25
JournalNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Early online date24 Jun 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


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