
Deborah N. Brewis, Sarah Taylor Silverwood

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


Annotation is a practice that is familiar to many of us, and yet it is a practice so natural to us that it is hard to pin down what characterises it, where its edges are, and what it does for us. In this piece, we use reflections of the practices of annotation in four fields of work: academia, software engineering, medical sonography and visual art as a point of departure to theorise annotation as a set of practices that bridge reading, writing and thinking. We think about annotation being performative, and consider what and how it brings into being. Revealing hidden practices in our working lives, such as annotation, helps us to understand how knowledge comes to be created, disseminated, legitimated, and popularised. To this end, we make the practices of annotation involved in writing this piece visible in an effort to write differently in management and organisation studies, unpicking and exposing it as ever dialogical and unfinished.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDialogues in Critical Management Studies
Subtitle of host publicationAt the intersection: critical/writing
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2020


  • performativity
  • Communication
  • Activism
  • digital
  • art practice
  • writing differently


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