Analysis of teacher education curriculum in Turkey regarding education for sustainable development

Nese Soysal

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter or section


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has started taking its place in teacher education programs. However, each country prefers a different way of integrating ESD into their teacher education curricula. This chapter aims to discuss the integration of ESD into teacher education curriculum in Turkey from the perspective of a centralised education system. It also indicates the differences in ESD integration between the recent programs and the previous ones in Turkey. As part of a qualitative approach, this study reflects the case of Turkey through document analysis focusing mainly on the teacher education curriculum prepared by The Council of Higher Education. It also compares ESD integration with previous curriculum. The findings of the research indicates that the teacher education curriculum in Turkey has some references to ESD in three different ways. Firstly, there is a course designed specifically for “Education for Sustainable Development” for each department in education faculties. The second way can be followed with the integration of ESD into the pedagogy courses specific to each department. In addition, there are some courses including ESD as a pedagogical approach. However, for the whole integration of ESD into the programs, there is a need for teacher educators to have guidance and support for designing their courses based on ESD.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch in Global Learning
Subtitle of host publicationMethodologies for global citizenship and sustainable development education
EditorsDoug Bourn
Place of PublicationLondon, U. K.
PublisherUCL Press
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9781800083097
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2023


  • education for sustainable development; initial teacher education
  • teacher education
  • curriculum development


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