Analysis of Stator End-winding in a Dual Wound Machine Using Biot-Savart Law

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Integrated full electric propulsion (IFEP) systems provide both ship propulsion and services with different electrical ratings. Instead of using multiple electrical machine sets, a dual wound machine with two sets of windings sharing the same stator slots can use one prime mover to provide two independent power supplies, achieving a more compact design and maximizing the power density. In order to provide independent power supplies, the windings must eliminate the electromagnetic coupling between them. A 2-pole and 6-pole dual wound machine has been designed previously. The simulation results show that there is no electromagnetic coupling considering the windings in the slots. It is important to investigate if there is any electromagnetic coupling caused by the end-windings. This paper proposes a simplified 2D and 3D end-winding model to analyse the magnetic field distribution and induced voltage using the Biot-Savart law. It is concluded that the end-windings of the dual wound machine are also not electromagnetically coupled, which proves that it is able to produce two independent power supplies for ship propulsion and services.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusAcceptance date - 29 Apr 2022


  • Dual wound machine
  • End-winding
  • Biot-Savart law


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