Analysing creative behaviour in the later stage design process

Christopher Snider, Stephen Culley, Elies Dekoninck

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Creativity is widely seen as an important subject in the study of the engineering design process. This paper presents a framework and coding scheme for the analysis of creative designer behaviour within the later stage engineering design process, validated through a longitudinal study. By classifying the tasks that designers complete throughout the design process, analysis has demonstrated two different approaches to creative behaviour in later stage design; dependent on the way in which designers identify, develop and use knowledge and design variables. Through such analysis, the understanding required to develop specific and particularly appropriate methods of designer support can be gained, dependent on the stage of the design process and particular approach of the designer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)543-574
Number of pages31
JournalDesign Studies
Issue number5
Early online date6 Apr 2013
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2013


  • creative design
  • designer behaviour
  • engineering design
  • later stages


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