An overview on oxyfuel coal combustion-State of the art research and technology development

Terry Wall, Yinghui Liu, Chris Spero, Liza Elliott, Sameer Khare, Renu Rathnam, Farida Zeenathal, Behdad Moghtaderi, Bart Buhre, Changdong Sheng, Raj Gupta, Toshihiko Yamada, Keiji Makino, Jianglong Yu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

818 Citations (SciVal)


Oxyfuel combustion is seen as one of the major options for CO2 capture for future clean coal technologies. The paper provides an overview on research activities and technology development through a fundamental research underpinning the Australia/Japan Oxyfuel Feasibility Project. Studies on oxyfuel combustion on a pilot-scale furnace and a laboratory scale drop tube furnace are presented and compared with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions. The research has made several contributions to current knowledge, including; comprehensive assessment on oxyfuel combustion in a pilot-scale oxyfuel furnace, modifying the design criterion for an oxy retrofit by matching heat transfer, a new 4-grey gas model which accurately predicts emissivity of the gases in oxy-fired furnaces has been developed for furnace modelling, the first measurements of coal reactivity comparisons in air and oxyfuel at laboratory and pilot-scale; and predictions of observed delays in flame ignition in oxy-firing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1003-1016
Number of pages14
JournalChemical Engineering Research & Design
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2009


  • CFD prediction
  • CO capture
  • Heat transfer
  • Oxyfuel coal combustion
  • Reactivity

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemistry
  • General Chemical Engineering


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