An introduction to Hilbert schemes of points on ADE singularities

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


This paper is based on a talk at the conference `The McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics' from July 2020. We provide an introduction to joint work of the author with S{\o}ren Gammelgaard, \'{A}d\'{a}m Gyenge and Bal\'{a}zs Szendr\H{o}i [CGGS19] that constructs the reduced scheme underlying the Hilbert scheme of n points on an ADE singularity as a Nakajima quiver variety for a particular stability parameter. After drawing a parallel with two well-known constructions of the Hilbert scheme of n points in A^2, we summarise results of the author and Gwyn Bellamy [BC20] before describing the main result by cornering a noncommutative algebra obtained from the preprojective algebra of the framed McKay graph.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics
Publication statusAcceptance date - 15 Nov 2021

Publication series

NameAdvanced Studies in Pure Mathematics


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