An in vitro biomechanical study comparing the spiral linking technique against the pulvertaft weave for tendon repair

Y I Kulikov, S Dodd, S Gheduzzi, A W Miles, G E Giddins

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A new spiral linking technique for tendon repair in which one end of the tendon is spiralled around the other end has been developed. Using pig trotter extensor tendons, the Pulvertaft weave technique was compared with this new technique. Twenty-five repairs using each technique were tested by tensile loading with an Instron testing machine. The spiral linking technique matched the strength of Pulvertaft method: the mean peak loads were 102 and 105N, respectively. The Pulvertaft weave was stiffer than the spiral linking technique: mean stiffness of 11.1 and 6.7N/mm, respectively. The spiral linking technique also absorbed considerably more energy: energy absorbed prior to failure to 90% of peak load, 1.75 and 1.13kNmm, respectively. In conclusion, the spiral linking technique appears as strong as the Pulvertaft weave and we believe it is easier to perform
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)377-381
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Hand Surgery: European Volume
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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