An Implantable ENG Detector with In-System Velocity Selective Recording (VSR) Capability

Christopher Clarke, Robert Rieger, Martin Schuettler, Nick Donaldson, John Taylor

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Detection and classification of electroneurogram (ENG) signals in the peripheral nervous system can be achieved by velocity selective recording (VSR) using multi-electrode arrays. This paper describes an implantable VSR-based ENG recording system representing a significant development in the field since it is the first system of its type that can record naturally-evoked ENG and be interfaced wirelessly using a low data rate trans-cutaneous link. The system consists of two CMOS ASICs one of which is placed close to the multielectrode cuff array (MEC) while the other is mounted close to the wireless link. The digital ASIC provides the signal processing required to detect selectively ENG signals based on velocity. The design makes use of an original architecture that is suitable for implantation and reduces the required data rate for transmission to units placed outside the body. Complete measured electrical data from samples of the ASICs are presented that show that the system has the capability to record signals of amplitude as low as 0.5 μV, which is adequate for the recording of naturally evoked ENG. In addition, measurements of electrically evoked ENG from the explanted sciatic nerves of Xenopus Laevis frogs are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)885-895
JournalMedical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2017


  • Biomedical signal processing
  • Neural prosthesis
  • Microelectronic implants
  • Biomedical transducers


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