An Examination of the Relative Benefits & Limitations of CALL

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As demonstrated by the global, COVID-19-induced turn to educational technologies, the role of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is continually evolving, leading to a requirement for evaluation of the medium in terms of both historical and contemporary perspectives. Traditionally, CALL manifests per three phases of development, namely, the structural, communicative, and integrative phases. Through this paradigm shift, it is shown that contemporary CALL practices influence several pedagogical factors. For institutions, CALL offers flexibility, enhanced accessibility, and location independence, but suffers from assessment and mediational issues. The role of the practitioner is also significantly impacted, perhaps necessitating adaptational strategies and a reevaluation of teacher positionality given the reduction of in-situ presence and potential absence of technological capacity or interest. Learners were ultimately identified as the most significant consideration on the basis that digital environments foster increased personal interactions, digital literacy and, if implemented correctly, higher cognitive development. Those learners in socioeconomically or technologically deprived areas are at most risk of disadvantage-although this disparity is decreasing as networked technologies become increasingly prevalent. The authors stress that teacher-learner interaction remains vital, however, emphasizing the value of a holistic approach that takes into consideration the needs of all stakeholders.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-95
Number of pages13
JournalKwansei Gakuin University Journal of International Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Mar 2021


  • Computer-assisted Language Learning
  • Educational Technologies
  • SLA
  • FLA


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