An Evaluation of the Psychosocial Group Programme at an Inpatient Detoxification and Stabilization Unit: A Service Improvement Project

Hannah Rettie, Joya Georgewill, Sarah Stacey, Emma Griffith

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Purpose: The benefits of including a psychosocial group programme alongside a medical inpatient detoxification and stabilisation regime has been recognized within addiction research, however a ‘gold standard’ psychosocial intervention has not been established. This small-scale project evaluated the psychosocial group (‘Straight Ahead’) currently running at a substance use inpatient unit based in the United Kingdom (UK).
Design: A mixed-methods questionnaire design aimed to capture service user perspectives of the group programme via a questionnaire, and assess whether an individual’s recovery capital and emotion regulation scores improved during their stay.
Findings: Thirty-four service users participated in the evaluation. Results indicate the group significantly increased individuals’ recovery capital scores, however did not significantly improve emotion regulation. The three themes from the qualitative results focused on the importance of shared experiences, learning of new skills, and the group as a positive experience. Service users provided suggestions for improvements, and these informed the provision of service-specific recommendations for the team and project commissioner.
Originality: The evaluation provides tentative support for the use of the Straight Ahead programme, and provides an insight into what service users find helpful when attending a psychosocial group during an inpatient detoxification admission.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Dual Diagnosis
Early online date19 Nov 2021
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2021


The authors would like to thank the service users who took part in this project, and the staff at the detoxification unit for their help with recruitment.


  • Inpatient detoxification, substance use, psychosocial group, recovery


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