An Assessment of the Gender Discourse and Gender Representation in Marketing’s Journals: 1993-2016

Pierre McDonagh, Andrea Prothero

Research output: Chapter or section in a book/report/conference proceedingChapter in a published conference proceeding


Extended Abstract

In 1993 we witnessed three seminal pieces of work on gender and consumer research in the Journal of Consumer Research (Bristor and Fischer 1993; Hirschman 1993; Stern 1993). As well as utilising feminist theories and recognising that research prior to 1993 had a dominant masculine ideology the papers called for more feminist research within our discipline. This paper explores what has happened in our marketing journals since 1993 and provides an assessment of how gender has been explored and represented. The authors have conducted a review and bibliometric analysis of the ABS 4*/4 ABS 3 and FT 50 journals for the marketing discipline between 1993-2016. Categories which are examined include an assessment of the gender topics explored; the specific marketing issue under examination; as well as an assessment of the method utilised and the study samples. The authors will present an in-depth assessment of these topics at the conference. As well as exploring what has been published in our journals, the authors conducted a wider assessment of the gender composition of our ‘leading’ journals. In so doing so we provide an analysis of the following (as of November 2016) – editor in chief positions; co editors; advisory boards; associate editors; editorial review boards. We also take an examination of awards for excellence within these journals and consider who awards are named after. An exploration of how our journals have been celebrated and the gender composition of special issues which celebrate various anniversary issues is undertaken. Next, we consider the gender composition of our ‘leading’ business schools and examine the male/female split of the Full Professors in these schools. Finally, the authors consider in more detail the Journal of Macromarketing, an ABS2 ranked journal, which focuses on marketing’s relationship with society broadly, and examines gender representation within this journal. We consider the papers published in the journal since its inception in 1981; the prizes awarded by the journal; the editor in chief; associate editors and editorial board membership. The results of our study demonstrate the dominance of male academics at all levels within our journals and in our ‘leading’ business schools. At the gender conference we would like to discuss potential scenarios for tackling this issue, including ‘calling out’ our journals, their editors and the publishing houses, who have allowed such a lack of diversity to remain within the journals they publish. Recommendations for future research in this space are also considered – including a focus on broader intersectional issues to consider not only gender representation in our journals. Other recommendations include a further assessment of other journals, not included in the ABS or FT lists, as well as an examination of gender monographs in the marketing and consumer research arenas.


Bristor, J. M., & Fischer, E. (1993). Feminist thought: Implications for consumer research. Journal ofConsumer Research, 19(4), 518-536.

Hirschman, E. C. (1993). Ideology in consumer research, 1980 and 1990: A Marxist and feminist critique. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(4), 537-555.

Stern, B. B. (1993). Feminist literary criticism and the deconstruction of ads: A postmodern view of advertising and consumer responses. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(4), 556-566.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference Schedule 14th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference Schedule* October 9-11, 2018 Dallas, TX at the Hilton Anatole
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2018


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