An Analytical Heat Wave Definition Based on the Impact on Buildings and Occupants

Alfonso Ramallo-González, Matt Eames, Sukumar Natarajan, Daniel Fosas, David Coley

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Alongside a mean global rise in temperature, climate change predictions point to an increase in heat waves and an associated rise in heat-related mortality. This suggests a growing need to ensure buildings are resilient to such events. Unfortunately, there is no agreed way of doing this, and no standard set of heatwaves for scientists or engineers to use. In addition, in all cases, heat waves are defined in terms of external conditions, yet, as the Paris heat wave of 2003 showed, people die in the industrialised world from the conditions inside buildings, not those outside. In this work, we reverse engineer external temperature time series from monitored conditions within a representative set of buildings during a heat wave. This generates a general probabilistic analytical relationship between internal and external heatwaves and thereby a standard set of events for testing resilience. These heat waves are by their simplicity ideal for discussions between clients and designers, or for the setting of national building codes. In addition, they provide a new framework for the declaration of a health emergency.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109923
JournalEnergy and Buildings
Early online date9 Mar 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


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