
We consider a bilevel learning framework for learning linear operators. In this framework, the learnable parameters are optimized via a loss function that also depends on the minimizer of a convex optimization problem (denoted lower-level problem). We utilize an iterative algorithm called `piggyback' to compute the gradient of the loss and minimizer of the lower-level problem. Given that the lower-level problem is solved numerically, the loss function and thus its gradient can only be computed inexactly. To estimate the accuracy of the computed hypergradient, we derive an a-posteriori error bound, which provides guides for setting the tolerance for the lower-level problem, as well as the piggyback algorithm. To efficiently solve the upper-level optimization, we also propose an adaptive method for choosing a suitable step-size. To illustrate the proposed method, we consider a few learned regularizer problems, such as training an input-convex neural network.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Dec 2024


  • math.OC
  • cs.LG


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