Accurate Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients and their Uncertainties from Computer Simulation

Andrew McCluskey, Samuel Coles, Benjamin Morgan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Self-diffusion coefficients, D*, are routinely estimated from molecular dynamics simulations by fitting a linear model to the observed mean-squared displacements (MSDs) of mobile species. MSDs derived from simulation suffer from statistical noise, which introduces uncertainty in the resulting estimate of D*. An optimal scheme for estimating D* will minimise this uncertainty, i.e., will have high statistical efficiency, and will give an accurate estimate of the uncertainty itself. We present a scheme for estimating D* from a single simulation trajectory with high statistical efficiency and accurately estimating the uncertainty in the predicted value. The statistical distribution of MSDs observable from a given simulation is modelled as a multivariate normal distribution using an analytical covariance matrix for an equivalent system of freely diffusing particles, which we parameterise from the available simulation data. We then perform Bayesian regression to sample the distribution of linear models that are compatible with this model multivariate normal distribution, to obtain a statistically efficient estimate of D* and an accurate estimate of the associated statistical uncertainty.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Publication statusAcceptance date - 26 Nov 2024


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