A web-based decision support system for waste lube oils collection and recycling

P. P. Repoussis, D. C. Paraskevopoulos, G. Zobolas, C. D. Tarantilis, G. Ioannou

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This paper presents a web-based decision support system (DSS) that enables schedulers to tackle reverse supply chain management problems interactively. The focus is on the efficient and effective management of waste lube oils collection and recycling operations. The emphasis is given on the systemic dimensions and modular architecture of the proposed DSS. The latter incorporates intra- and inter-city vehicle routing with real-life operational constraints using shortest path and sophisticated hybrid metaheuristic algorithms. It is also integrated with an Enterprise Resource Planning system allowing the utilization of particular functional modules and the combination with other peripheral planning tools. Furthermore, the proposed DSS provides a framework for on-line monitoring and reporting to all stages of the waste collection processes. The system is developed using a web architecture that enables sharing of information and algorithms among multiple sites, along with wireless telecommunication facilities. The application to an industrial environment showed improved productivity and competitiveness, indicating its applicability on realistic reverse logistical planning problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)676-700
Number of pages5
JournalEuropean Journal of Operational Research
Issue number3
Early online date26 Dec 2007
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2009


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