A System Architecture for Modules Supporting Variational Design in Electrical Engineering

B. Dettlaff, Dieter Roller, Dirk Schaefer

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In today’s first and second generation CAD systems for electrical engineering, variational design is
supported only in a manual manner, i.e. by copying, modifying and deleting special parts of a design.
Next generation E-CAD systems shall support variational design in a fully automatic manner. This
can be achieved by using parametric and constrained-based modeling together with configuration and
version management tools.
This paper presents the overview of an architecture for E-CAD variant modules to be integrated and
employed in next generation E-CAD systems. We discuss the parts needed to build up such variant
modules as well as the relationships between one part and another. Furthermore, we take into
account some aspects of communications management, active knowledge handling and last but not
least the graphical user interface. Finally we close with some remarks concerning CORBA, the CAD
reference model, and software development in general.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1999
Event32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation: ISATA’99: Automotive Mechatronics Design & Engineering - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 14 Jun 199918 Jun 1999


Conference32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation: ISATA’99: Automotive Mechatronics Design & Engineering


  • Variant Design
  • ECAD


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