A study of a compliant hydraulic actuator for running robots

Beichen Ding, Andrew Plummer, Pejman Iravani

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Citations (SciVal)


In the Iegged locomotion research area, it is known that efficient running or hopping in either animals or Iegged robots requires leg actuator compliance. Springy legs interacting with body mass gives a natural hopping/running frequency. Servo-hydraulics is highly suitable for robot leg actuation due to its high power density and fast response. In this paper, we investigate using a hydraulic accumulator connected to a hydraulic cylinder to provide both actuation and the required leg compliance. This approach is experimentally applied to a bipedal hopping robot, and closed loop leg position control is implemented. A non-linear simulation model is used to explain the main findings from the experimental results. The effect of friction in this type of compliant hydraulic actuator is found to be very significant. An error-time factor is introduced to enable an understanding of the friction effect and aids component selection for this application.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2018
Eventthe First Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium: GFPS2018 - Samara, Russian Federation
Duration: 18 Jul 201820 Jul 2018


Conferencethe First Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address


  • Error-time factor
  • Friction effect
  • Ompliant hydraulic actuator

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering


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