A sparse optimization approach to infinite infimal convolution regularization

Kristian Bredies, Marcello Carioni, Martin Holler, Yury Korolev, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

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In this paper we introduce the class of infinite infimal convolution functionals and apply these functionals to the regularization of ill-posed inverse problems. The proposed regularization involves an infimal convolution of a continuously parametrized family of convex, positively one-homogeneous functionals defined on a common Banach space $X$. We show that, under mild assumptions, this functional admits an equivalent convex lifting in the space of measures with values in $X$. This reformulation allows us to prove well-posedness of a Tikhonov regularized inverse problem and opens the door to a sparse analysis of the solutions. In the case of finite-dimensional measurements we prove a representer theorem, showing that there exists a solution of the inverse problem that is sparse, in the sense that it can be represented as a linear combination of the extremal points of the ball of the lifted infinite infimal convolution functional. Then, we design a generalized conditional gradient method for computing solutions of the inverse problem without relying on an a priori discretization of the parameter space and of the Banach space $X$. The iterates are constructed as linear combinations of the extremal points of the lifted infinite infimal convolution functional. We prove a sublinear rate of convergence for our algorithm and apply it to denoising of signals and images using, as regularizer, infinite infimal convolutions of fractional-Laplacian-type operators with adaptive orders of smoothness and anisotropies.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2023


  • math.OC


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