A Review of Switched Inertance Hydraulic Converter Technology

Chenggang Yuan, Min Pan, Andrew Plummer

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Digital hydraulics is a new technology providing an alternative to conventional proportional or servovalve-controlled systems in the area of fluid power. Digital hydraulic applications, such as digital pumps, digital valves and actuators, switched inertance hydraulic converters (SIHCs) and digital hydraulic power management systems, promise high-energy efficiency and less contamination sensitivity. Research on digital hydraulics is driven by the need for highly energy efficient hydraulic machines but is relatively immature compared to other energy-saving technologies. This review introduces the development of SIHCs particularly focusing on the work being undertaken in the last 15 years and evaluates the device configurations, performance and control strategies that are found in current SIHC research. Various designs for high-speed switching valves are presented, and their advantages and limitations are compared and discussed. Current limitations of SIHCs are discussed and suggestions for the future development of SIHCs are made.
Original languageEnglish
Article number050801
JournalJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control: Transactions of the ASME
Issue number5
Early online date1 Jan 2020
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2020

Bibliographical note

Paper No: DS-19-1197


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