A review of electro-hydraulic servovalve research and development

Paolo Tamburrano, Andrew R. Plummer, Elia Distaso, Riccardo Amirante

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This paper provides a review of the state of the art of electro-hydraulic servovalves, which are widely used valves in industrial applications and aerospace, being key components for closed loop electrohydraulic motion control systems. The paper discusses their operating principles and the analytical models used to study these valves. Commercially available units are also analysed in detail, reporting the performance levels achieved by current servovalves in addition to discussing their advantages and drawbacks. Adetailed analysis of research that investigates these valves via computational fluid dynamic analysis is also provided. Research studies on novel control systems and novel configurations based on the use of smart materials, which aim to improve performance or reduce cost, are also analysed in detail.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-98
Number of pages46
JournalInternational Journal of Fluid Power
Early online date30 Oct 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 30 Oct 2018

Bibliographical note

This research has been supported by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Intra-European fellowship Programme. EC Grant Agreement n. 701336, H2020 MSCA Individual Fellowship: Development of a novel servovalve concept for aircraft (DNSVCFA). Start date: 01/09/2017, End date: 19/10/2019, Location of the project: University of Bath


  • Control
  • Piezoelectric actuator
  • Review
  • Servovalve

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • General Physics and Astronomy


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