A review from the PDE viewpoint of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations Arising in Optimal Control with Vectorial Cost

Nikos Katzourakis, Tristan Pryer

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This paper is a review of results on Optimisation which are perhaps not so standard in the PDE realm. To this end, we consider the problem of deriving the PDEs associated to the optimal control of a system of either ODEs or SDEs with respect to a vector-valued cost functional. Optimisation is considered with respect to a partial ordering generated by a given cone. Since in the vector case minima may not exist, we define vectorial value functions as (Pareto) minimals of the ordering. Our main objective is the derivation of the model PDEs which turn out to be parametric families of HJB single equations instead of systems of PDEs. However, this allows the use of the theory of Viscosity Solutions.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2014

Bibliographical note

Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 20 pages, 7 figures


  • math.AP
  • math.OC
  • math.PR
  • Primary 35F21, 49L20, 49L25, 93E20, 58E17, Secondary 93B52, 35Q93

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