A qualitative study exploring the experiences of African-Caribbean informal stroke carers in the UK

Anna Strudwick, Reg Morris

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Objective: To explore the experiences of African-Caribbean informal stroke carers in the UK.
Design: Qualitative methodology.
Setting: Three urban locations in southern England.
Participants: Nine African-Caribbean informal stroke carers providing support to a relative with stroke for at least six months.
Method: Semi-structured interviews were used to explore both predetermined and unexpected topics relating to any aspects of the carers’ experiences. Interview transcriptions were analysed using inductive thematic analysis.
Results: Several themes resembled those identified in previous qualitative studies with informal stroke carers from other ethnic backgrounds. However, new themes emerged which were related to the carers’ ethnicity and cultural values. These themes were ‘understanding of individual needs’, ‘battle’, ‘independence from services’, ‘faith in God’, ‘family ties’ and ‘avoiding institutionalised care.’
Conclusions: This small-scale study provides an insight into African-Caribbean stroke carers’ own perspectives. These have much in common with those of other ethnicities, but also exhibit important areas of difference. Several themes indicate issues with existing service provision. Stereotypical assumptions about informal stroke carers based on ethnicity appear to be unwarranted; there is diversity within ethnic groups. Individual contexts of ethnicity, culture and religious beliefs shape expectations and perceptions. Several themes signpost service attributes that are perceived as relevant to acceptability by African-Caribbean stroke carers. Recruitment challenges could be addressed in future projects with ethnic minority carers by collaborative planning and the development of individual relationships with key informants.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159-167
Number of pages9
JournalClinical Rehabilitation
Issue number2
Early online date26 Jan 2010
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2010


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